Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Marsh pride cubs on 20th.August.2012.

Marsh pride cubs on 20th.August.2012.
         we left the camp at 6:30 am and 10 minutes later at the Governors Airstrip,where we park our safari jeeps as we wait for the clients who are arriving and saying kwaheri to the departures,we found sienna and the other mother of the six cubs playing,they look very healthy both the cubs and their mums.On heir company was one female,who on the afternoon game drive of 19th.August.2012.we found her in this mama totos family.
         In less than 5 minutes we discovered that there were two males nearby and when one came close,it was of its own kind watching these two great mums fighting him,and after winning sienna slapped the other mama severally,and as it was happening 5 cubs were watching and one had gone hiding.
 The two mothers.
 Mums with marsh pride sub-adult female and the cubs.
 Two mothers with their offsprings.
 Sienna with one of the cubs suckling.
 Fighting dad away,no bullying of the cubs!!
Sienna slapping the other mother,what is wrong?
This morning(21st) the cubs were spotted in musiara marsh,why did you go  there again?

Paradise pride cubs on 19th.August.2012.

Paradise pride cubs on 19th.August.2012..
On the afternoon of the above date i went out on a safari and after checking on the crossing points at paradise and not finding any wildbeests ready to cross we found these two cubs with their family i.e mum,dads and cousins,they were born on the big rock near at paradise,they are now seen accompanying their parents,although not seen daily because paradise plains has alot of rocky croton bushes that if they go hiding in there, nobody would easily spot them.Good Luck.
The two cubs.
On rocky habitat.
Having a play.
Part of their family.