Monday 30 July 2012

Malaika,the cheetah with her two cubs in mara

The  Two Cubs.

 One of the Two cubs

 Malaika and her two cubs,she lost one to hyenas and she is still having one surviving.

Cheetah(Acinonyx jubatus).

The cheetah above is called malaika,A swahili word for angel.The fastest mammal running at a top speed of approximately 110Kph,but can not keep this speed for more than 500yards,they are smartest cats in that they kill and feed on their fresh kills,and they do not preserve for tommorow,but one funny thing with malaika is that one day she killed a fully grown male impala in the afternoon and following morning she was found at the same kill,something which is very rare,,lucky that day that hyenas/lions/leopard,did not turn up,too unlike the leopards they can not hang their kills up the tree. They are mostly diurnal but can move some distances in moon lit nights,females are solitary but males can form coalitions.A cat loved by mos,malaika is known to jump on the roofs of the vehicles a character that she must have inherited from her mum,other cheetahs in mara are known to do the same,i think her cub would do the same,cubs mortality rate is very high,mums being solitary and when it comes to hunting she has to leave the cubs hidden and if they are  found by the hyenas,they would be killed and eaten,lions would just kill and leave them,floods if mum is not around would also sweep the away.Here in the mara,hyenas and lions being numerous and dominant predators but cheetahs at a higher risk.I wish malaika good luck as she struggle to bring up her cub.

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