Tuesday 6 November 2012

Safari on 6th.October.2012.

This afternoon after we left the camp we arrived at main crossing poin in paradise plains to check if there was any wildbeest or zebra to cross,we found that there was a small herd of  both species but not very close to the river.But in there were several vultures who they were feeding on stucked wildbeests among the rocks and of great interest was a big crocodile who was feeding on a zebra very close to vultures who they did not seemed to be scared.
 Main crossing point.
 White backed and Ruppell's vultures.
 Crocodile very close to a vulture.
 A vulture feeding on a stucked wildbeest.
Changed his position.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just found this website and I am delighted. I learned about the Masai Mara and the magnificent animals that live there during the Big Cat Diary Programs. I am so glad that the Marsh Pride still exists. I look forward to visiting this site often. Please continue to post updates and share your beautiful photos with us. Thank you for this website.