Friday 12 July 2013

Alfred's Maasai Mara Safaris on 11th,12th,13th,14th and 15th of 0ctober 2012.

 This is Marsh pride lioness with cubs on the lugga.Not that easy to spot cubs under 8 weeks,for their mums hide them until when they have enough strength to follow the pride members.At this stage they are vulnerable to nomadic male lions.
 This is another female with her older male cub of about 15 months,we enjoyed watching them.Mum was so curious as she has to protect her cub for he is still depandant on mum,but not as much as the smaller cubs above.
 Mara scavengers,the bigger bird is Marabou stork others are vultures,they were enjoying the early morning sun before they would beginn their daily duty of scavenging.
 A school of hippos on one of the Mara river meanders,too enjoying the sun,but too much of it would lead to negative effect on their skin.
 After having a shower in one of the small pool of water,the leader of this herd decided to lead the group to another grazing field.It is her duty until when she will die or get too old.

 We found this 5 months old piglets without their mother that she might have been killed by Cheetahs,Leopard, or Lions.For sure chances of making to maturity are very minimal,not experienced on how to escape dangers although warthogs are not smart when it comes to their safety.
 This two young male Elephants were play fighting as the sun was going down.They will have to determine their rank before they leave their mothers at around the age of 12.

 The victor and loser is determined.All solitary male elephants or herd of bachelors knows their ranks through fighting.
 What a luck for this lioness on the hottest part of the day to get her lunch.she attack a mother with 2 piglets and one piglet was caught.Look she got hold of the neck to suffocate her!
 One of the marsh pride lion,on top of the termite mound,on the background is Oloololo Escarpment.The rest of the pride were no where to be seen near to this place,but as long as he his in their territory he is safe.
 Where is the mother of these boys?we did not spot her but she might be some where.Later on one of them was killed by the Marsh pride males.

 Ostriches do not construct their nest,but they lay their eggs on a bare ground.The major hen and cock who were to do the incubation were not around.Few days later i discovered that they abandoned the nest,poor eggs>chicks
 A little showere on this herd who they were matching in to the National Reserve from Mara North Conservancy.They feed as they move.
 Marsh courting couple,on this day they did not mate but on the following day they did.Courtship,take few hours to almost two days.And the actual mating goes for 3-5 days.
 Lone young boy heavily breathing on the hottest part of the day.Lions sweat through their tongues.
 Zebras feeding as the male waterbcuk act as their look out.Male waterbucks at some points live solitary and he would have to rely on other herbivores for his safety.
 Walking,feeding,sleeping alone is part of this elephants life.He was having a drink when we found him.
 More dark-maned lion near mara paradise plains courting,we saw the action but i did not capture the best photo.

A clan of hyenas scouting among the wildbeests,they must be looking for easy meal like sick,injured,new-born or even abandoned carcass.

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