Sunday 22 September 2013


The male lion in the photo above is called Notch,it took  several days  to find him with my Big Cat fan,Donna who she really wanted to see him.She was overwhelmed after we found him in the thickets with his two sons.The reason to why he was not spotted for almost a week was because he owns more than 5 territories,and some have very huge thickets and others have rocky hills thus making him hard to find if he is having his normal siestas after being fed well by his four sons who always accompany and protect him.
Too we had a pride of lions called Topi plains that had six cubs and we had enough time to spend on our own with them .The first cubs in the family.It is here that we saw Marsh pride of lions becoming big and four females left the pride to form the this pride I'm talking of,but again this breakaway pride from marsh pride still shares the four males dominatin the big Marsh pride.One very interesting behavior here is that the males moves into the two prides freely but the four Topi plains/Breakaway girls have never moved back to their original home.
Elephants feeding made our afternoon,Whenever you find any breeding herd of elephants you will never miss to see all of them feeding or playing,they will ensure that you get perfect time with them and above all very fascinating one .And as always when you go to Musiara marsh you will never miss these lovely antelopes called Defassa Waterbucks that i came to understand of late that they are not spread in the Mara like other antelopes but you find them in the water Marshes.
And again we had a drama to witness when we came a cross a Cape Buffalo that she had just given birth only to be got by the hyenas and lions,by the time we got their her calf was already dead but the drama was watching both lions and hyenas trying to go for the baby while the brave mum was still putting in strong defence.We later on came to know that it took her more than 10 hours protecting her dead baby.She later on left,what a drama to witness but poor Cape Buffalo and lucky hyenas and lions...this is nature and we could not intervene.Buffaloes are so strong to defend themselves but one thing that they have never done is to wait for theirs who giving birth,they will always abandon her to fight for herself and her baby.

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